Sunday, December 13, 2009
kami memang pelik!!!
apakah jadah ini? inilah hasil kreativiti budak2 archi UKM n TWINTECH dalam menghasilkan lagu dan music berdasarkan bahan-bahan terbuang (recycle material ye..bukannya bahan pakai buang). Neway, its a good effort and a brilliant try!!! chiayo2
p/s : "korang memang PELIK!! PELIK!!" hahaha
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adian likes this
so effing old ( translate it to malay and use it as an english word) gudluck trasnlating it =)
paul trynka, huh?
more like paul ungka. ahhahaha
ko sp paul? dh la nama dh prasan mat salleh pahtu dok kutuk2 org la ko tuh bagus sgt..bnda neh just for fun je..bukannya ktrng nak masuk 'british got talent ke pe ke' dh nama ko dh ala-ala english man gitu. kalu berani, tunjuk la diri tuh sndri dulu b4 nak kutuk2 org...neway, we dint translating it into any kind of language based from da original lyrics,instead we created new lyrics by using da same rhythm only. period. (SORILA AKU TAK TERER ENGLISH MCM KO)
so effing old ( translate it to malay and use it as an english word) gudluck trasnlating it =)
a big TYPO! trying to say TRANSPLANT, is it?
and what's with the effing OLD? what's OLD? u??? ohmydear...pity u... we'll surely pay u a visit at the OLD folks' home soon!
haah la farah-d...maybe he needs new transplant, implant and wutever plantation inside his brain so dat he can think before he type...haha
hek ele paul trynka (nak taip pun rase jijik..). pe masalah ko... klu berani guna name betul ah, tonjolkan diri... stakat tggl komen 'SETOIT' macam tue, pas2 nak suh orang translate2... bek xpayah komen ah...
biasalah...bajet hot stuff...terer giler mlangit..dia mna staraf ngan kita2 yang bernama melayu neh la
translate ungka to english Paul ungka. Gudluck translating it.
hahaha luv u all!!! accept for dat ungka!!
errr...what are you guys doing?????...i aint hear nothing..seriously and for sure its a lame show..on behalf of UKM student im quite shame on for your "so called" musical show -_-"
hehe mira.. i think u missed the whole point of sarcasm here. didn't u heard people were laughing in the video? of course we were laughing mad due to the "disastrous" performance. god forbid, this is definitely not the BEST performance that day, we definitely had better groups performing, but we just can't contain our human nature who loves watching and laughing at silly things again and again.
and maybe watching as an outsider, u know nothing about these people in the videos. but we do, which only adds up the hilarity.. hehe
hey mira!u know nothing!
so shadup!haha!if u from ukm!im quite shame of u!blah la!
what are we doing?? hahaha... dont tell me ur life is so dull until u think this sort of thing gets on ur nerves. pity u... come join us, insyaAllah, ur boring life could be better by having some sarcasm in life...
adoih..lex lex...mira edora whoever mira is...if u expecting a High School Musical or Broadway performance from our small community, u R TOTALLY AT DA WRONG PLACE LA SAYANG.. wat we'r doing here is just a module a.k.a one of da activities for the next architecture workshop. BY USING RECYCLE MATERIAL ataupon sesetengah org cam u mybe cakap this is SAMPAH. we agree, YES! WE USED SAMPAH TO CREATE A BETTER SAMPAH.hahaha and as for u MIRA, if u wanna kol sumbody else as LAME, first take a goooooooooddddddddd look at urself first, pe yg u dh penah contribute to our mother nature and also for UKM? if u sayang sgt dengan UKM n rasa malu sangat ngn kitorang neh, U SHOULD ASHAMED OF URSELF FIRST cos kalau orang UKM sendiri x sapot UKM, pe tah lagi orang luar. n one more thing, kalau nak bg benda yg ktrang buat neh tak LAME, bagi la duit at least RM10k la paling kurang, baru ko layak bercakap pasal LAME tak LAME seseorang tuh. SEKIAN
untuk sebarang huluran tajaan/sumbangan, boleh rujuk fara-d ye. dengan lapang hati saya boleh terangkan pakej penajaan. ;P
betul tuh fara-d...cakap pakai air liur mmg la free...haktuih2 ja...haha
hehe. budak ukm jugak. twintech ni yang bukak kedai kat pusan tu an? *dah lama x pergi pusan
best kott kedai tu :)
nn: kedai yang mna satu ek?kt pusan tuh byk kedai yang best2..hehe
thanks for supporting me mira..
if you dont mind..i would like to follow your that you can receive a critics from me..sue me, i like to critics, so what???lol..hope mira can joined too..lmfao
hahhahah..i'll folo you paul!!!hahaha..
sue us if you dont like!!!hehe..
paul: i got your back =))
owner of the blog or shud i called u climber..^.^\/
can i follow your blog???
oh..tq..i dun mind..lagi kayo den kalu lagi ramai org folo..lagi tambah pahala~ amin~ thanx ya..dun wori..i wont sue anybody cos x untung pe pun kalu melibatkan pihak2 atasan neh..buat prabeh duit je nk kol2 org2 yg berwajib gitu... looking at ur profile pic (if dat gurl is u la), i think u r so damn beautiful, seriously, so it's quite embarrasing for a pretty gurl like u who r pretty on the outside,but not really dat pretty in the heart... sori to say~ ruginyeee
thank you so much...
well, actually im quite a nice girl..
dont you ever judge my words due to my personality =)
every words that i split at your blog is so true, i just let it be on your comment page only..
fyi, ive read all your post last few i think u should deserved the terms CLIMBER on your forehead =)
alyaa you know what, makin suka lah tgk komen2 budak2 ini. interesting how gigih mereka tetap sanggup datang meninggalkan komen2 yg berbisa kononnya walhal kita satu studio tergelak2 baca. i think you should attract more org macam ni la alyaa, meningkat jugak ko punya nuffnang income. haha
what u say is what u are. enuff said. ur words determine ur personality, i shall say.
i do agree with adian, though.
rasa cm, "wah! selamat datang! mari kamu mariiiii! hiburkan beta!"
wuhu! ^.^v
mmm watcha say.... haha
paul n mira- blah la u all bdua neh. semak je. org x kretif ni cmni la pmikiran diorg. xpe aku phm. HAHA mst bosan jd paul ungka neh sbb hdup ko skema yer? mgkin juga membosankn. join lah kami. tp mke sure otak kau boleh pusing 360drjh. sbb kami xmaen ah pusing 180 drjh neh. buhsan beb. :) paul, ko phm ke ape aku tulis? HAHAHA
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