Thursday, April 9, 2009

help me~

im losing grip...seriously...feels so sorro n down...still much progresses need to be done b4 final submission...wat a very hectic semester i had!!! dunno can stand till the end...i really need sum1 to support me's my FAMILY!! the only thing i will always count on to besides my frens...but wateva it's tru dat FAMILY IS EVERYTHING. how i really2 need them rite now.. it's da first time ever since this sem started i feel so empty...desperately empty~ miss mama n abah n my cats damn much!!! help me ya allah~ im lack of idea, lack of concentration, lack of love, lack of happiness, lack of everything..... L.I.F.E = Loser.Irrelevant.F*ck.Empty


aryfrasydo said...

commnt dia ..bdoa banyk2 that it.

CreeperzPhotocraft said...

im a gud listener...really..try me~ =)

alyaanajwa said...

oh really casa? neway who r u?

CreeperzPhotocraft said...

well~ its a secret...hehe