Thursday, February 26, 2009

hate dat i luv u...(alyaa nak mencari ketenangan)

yes..i'v started to fall 4 u slowly but surely..but i couldnt tell anybody n even..u... i cant tell u how much dis heart has started to open up for u..started to miss u dat much..i never thought sumtink so weird could happen rite here whenevr im wit*t.. i try to deny dis feeling but it keeps getting stronger each seconds and all i think rite now in my mind is*t sh*t SH*T... how can i tell u dat i want u to b wit me right here, right now..i want u to call me o at least text me..but u never did since dat's only me who keep on after i hold myself back from calling or texting u cos i dun want to look so desperately n silly to hear ur voice....

u'v told me about ur 'resolution', being single for da next 3 years..only 1 thing i can conclude from ur words..u still cant 4get ur ex..dats for sure... ahaha so here i am again, ended up being alone n keeping all those stupid foolish feelings in my heart...hoping for miracle to happen to me cos i never know how to show my luv to sum1 dat i care....i just dunno how~

i want my family n anak-anak rite now~ pls ya allah....pls help me to get rid of those bullsh*t disgusting feelings...