Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Real Steel Movie Review (Must Watch Movie)

Wats so special bout this movie? Cos the main actor is Hugh Jackman bebeh...But surprisingly, the publicity of this movie is not as happening as his previous movie.. Dunno why, but this movie is sumting worth to be watch in the cinema.

Lets cekodoks the trailer.

A story bout human being will be no longer hurting themselves in the boxing ring cos in the future, the boxing thing will be done by the ROBOTS. Looks kinda weird at first cos the time setting is in the future,in the year of 2020 maybe but the overall surrounding doesnt seem to look as futuristic as our normal imagination for the future (no flying cars or flying people for sure....haha). I can only catch the time setting of the movie only from the dialogues of the characters. Except for those supersleek hi-tech handphone~  maybe that's the real logic future will be. (compared to other futuristic hollywood movie - aonflux, tron~)

Watever it is, I luv that lil blonde boy! He's awesomely cute and seriously good in acting~ =)

 Hugh Jackman as Charles Kenton 

he's cute~~~ kihkihkih (dakota goyo as Max Kenton)

i rated this movie with 4 stars.

Real great movie doesnt requires any additional x-factor such as super sexy chicks or super sexy abs or even a super hiperbolic media review to make it pecah panggung~ 

p/s : serik dh tgk crita melayu kt panggung selepas kerugian 12hengget tgk crita yg kononnya kutipan 5 juta for the first 5 days bla bla bla....

thanx to my boss for buying the Tayangan Amal Bomba Dan Penyelamat Ticket!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Mahathir Vs Yahudi

takyah elaborate byk lah..layan keberanian seorang pemimpin berkata2 tanpa takut dikecam wlau sedikit pun...

org bijak berdasarkan fakta, org kurang bijak berdasarkan khabar angin semata2...


TRUE LOVE~ sweet sgt..hehe

utk mengetahui lebih tentang pendapat seorang pemimpin hebat yg telah memimpin negara kita selama lebih dr 20 tahun... boleh click BLOG TUN MAHATHIR.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Empire Shopping Gallery Meletup

 picc courtesy of Jinn (forum pe ntah)

dunno whether the investigation is done yet..tapi menurut cakap2 kedai kopi... sebuah kedai kopi yg meletup.
Sebuah Starbucks meletup ye, due to gas explosion... Therefore, temporarily this mall will be closed for renovation and maintenance. Nasib baik no casualties sebab letupan berlaku pada awal pagi.. 

Sekian berita hari ini. =)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Perempuan Paling Cantik Di Dunia

She's 25. She's from Angola. And she's BEAUTIFUL. well~ beauty lies in the eyes of beholder... Cantik luar tak semestinya cantik di dalam kan? So i bet she must be beautiful in both side, kalau tak, takkan leh menang.. =)

This year's MISS UNIVERSE goes to...

Miss Leila Lopes from Angola.

mcm rihanna pun ada

luv this shoot...so natural =)

for more info on MISS UNIVERSE 2011. Cek dis link.

owh...almost forgot...Malaysian Contestant pun tak kurang hebatnya tao..

 Miss Deborah Henry

Erm...just a bit confused, the theme is national traditional costume...may i know wat part of traditional attire she wore? dh mcm penari rambong siam pulok dah. Btw, this lady is a professional model lah~ no wonder sgt cantik!

utk cekodoks lebih ramai wanita cantik diseluruh universe ini, haa amek direct link ni kat bawahhhhh sekali...

i bet 80% of the straight guys konfirm dah tak baca ayat yg seterusnya ni sebab terlalu ghairah nak click direct link utk cari gadis impian utk bermimpi. hehe

CLICK SINI UTK DIRECT LINK (PENTING!! : lepas click link, sila scroll up ke atas kejap dan baca ayat yg berwarna biru)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Istimewa AidilFitri

pertamanya, mohon di ampunkan segala salah silap dan diampunkan kealpaan tidak menghapdet belog selama lebih dari dua minggu disebabkan terlalu ghairah bercuti dan beraya...ampun~

maka dgn itu, entri ni hanya untuk mengimbau kembali tuan punya blog, almaklumlah org tak glemer, sekali skala kena remind pembaca yg sudi membaca tentang rupa sebenar tuan punya belog, kot2 kalau terserempak kat open house boleh mintak duit raya (bagi yg belum bekerjaya dan berumor di bawah angka bermula dengan nombor 2, Yang umornya sudah bermula dgn nombor 3 tetapi masih tiada pekerjaan, sila daftarkan diri di jobstreet).

cecite sikit korang beraya cmna...sharing is caring kan...cecite sikit korang pakai baju kaler pe, open house byk mna dh g, duit raya dpt byk mna dan sebagainya, i suka tgk entri raya sebab kompem berwarna warni dgn warna baju raya yg bling2 gitu..

as for me, tetiap tahun simple je, baju pun simple cos i bukan rozita che wan la yg perlukan bulu mata palsu utk beraya...adoih, tadak masa la chek nk pelekat bulu mata...huhu

beginilah rupa raya tahun ni. =)

 baju kurung je~ simple and senang nk bergerak...

ni baru 3/10 dr my whole family...hoho notice dat my family lebih ramai wanita2 berbanding lelaki~ guys alert! hehe

my small family with...=) ouh, jd jambatan KLCC la pulok aku...=(



 the retired pengetua sbok berniaga kucing ja la lepas pencen~

anak sedaraku...kamal ariff! he's 2 years old oredi...hoho so cute dah pandai pakai akok (songkok)

 beraya di rumah my bestfren pulak..malam2 pakai tshirt sudeyh~

'beraya' di bowling...ini la budak muda zaman skarang...ish2

beraya di rumah Izuan Mafti pulok

begitu je lah raya tahun ini...owh...almost forgot, pada raya kedua berlangsungnya majlis akad nikah one of my bestfren zaman sekolah2 lagi. She's the first one bergelar Puan di kalangan geng2 kami.

Tahniah kepada Puan Puteri Dahlia dan pasangannya Encik Ku Mohd Amin!

dayang3 yg masih boojang~


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Lawak Ramadhan

presenting Aguero The Ballerina!
wartawan pun agak2 la pilih gambo ni nak masuk paper..ni kes naya neh..hehehe

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Reason To Never Visit a 7 stars hotel

Question : "What would you like to have ..Fruit juice, Soda, Tea, Chocolate, Milo, or Coffee?"

Answer: "tea please"

Question : " Ceylon tea, Herbal tea, Bush tea, Honey bush tea, Ice tea or green tea ?"

Answer : "Ceylon tea "

Question : "How would you like it ? black or white ?"

Answer: "white"

Question: "Milk, Whitener, or Condensed milk ?"

Answer: "With milk "

Question: "Goat milk, Camel milk or cow milk"

Answer: "With cow milk please.

Question: " Milk from Freeze land cow or Afrikaner cow?"

Answer: " Um, I'll take it black. "

Question: " Would you like it with sweetener, sugar or honey?"

Answer: "With sugar"

Question: " Beet sugar or cane sugar ?"

Answer: "Cane sugar "

Question:" White , brown or yellow sugar ?"

Answer: "Forget about tea just give me a glass of water instead."

Question: "Mineral water or still water ? "

Answer: "Mineral water"

Question: "Flavored or non-flavored ?"

Answer: "I'll rather die of thirst

courtesy of funnyjokesblog. =)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Lost Heritage -KAD RAYA

warisan yg sememangnya makin ditelan zaman akibat teknologi yang semakin hari semakin canggih..

call me outdated, but i enjoy doing this and receiving kad raya sangat222 lah berbeza perasaannya berbanding menerima SMS ucapan selamat hari raya. Tak caye? Jom try kat 'client' yg paling kenal kita iaitu mama dan abah  saya..I mean mama dan dan abah masing2 la ye..kang japg pelik lak parents aku bila semua pakat hantar kad raya kat depa..hehe

 ramai yg cakap antaq kad neh membazir..mana da!! aku tak mengeluarkan walau sekupang pun nak antaq kat neh sbb...sumbangan kad raya dan setem oleh bos opis aku..tinggal nk pegi masukkan dlm post box je kena g sendiri..hehe

dh post nanti,tunggu shaja panggilan telefon reaksi mak ayah anda.. Pelik? Hairan? Gembira? Silap2 dpt soalan, "hang buang tebiat ka?"...Kalau soalan cmtu, maknanya dorang sayangkan korang la...Think positive~ =P

Selamat Mencuba!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Champion of World Championship of Marching Show Band 2011

see the piala?? maknanya? maknanya apa lagi..maknanya menang la! hehehe congrats to Sultanah Asma School Band or lebih dikenali sebagai SASBAND for making it real and continously being on top..jangan sia2kan apa yg telah senior2 ampa usahakan sebelum2 ni ye..hohoho finally we beat thailand noo..kap kun kap....mahapp laaaa malaysia menangg kali niii (sila bca gaya mek salam pantai timur).

till this very moment zillions of congratulations still flooding the SASBAND FB page. chek bangga sat sebab jadi crew depa, miss sweet time 8 years ago...huhuhu  meh2 layan vid kemenangan mereka.

dan mari layan gambar2 kejadian tempoh hari.

the percussion! miss my instrument!! tinggi2 depa neh~

sedang final brief oleh exes2

the theme!

and here comes the action..

tears of joy

 so proud of them!

opss.. x lupa juga kpada crew2 yg terlibat


final picca lepas angkat instrument masuk lori..lepas ni, kami p makan!

 muka cegu samad ciwi dpt piala dok berucap dalam bas~

oh my child~ haha

eh..ni piala NATCOMP 2011 ritu...salah2

sekian sahaja gambar sasband. lets cekodok other bands competing that night.

 the 'sleeping' band..Calgary Stetson from Canada

 erm...from china i guess..x igt pulak

 from czech republic

 Victoria Institution Cadet Corps Band from Malaysia

 Chien Kuo Band from Taiwan

V.I again

 Gita Surosowan from Indonesia

Suphanburi from Thailand

and mony more can be viewed at the link below

dan...google la sendiri...tp semua video2 boleh view di

last but not least, special picca just for u guys

Mr Tang Chia Hoe Mulan's Pose! Btw..this is our instructor since sasband hanya ada 10 org ahli.. He's loyalty is undoubtable~ Thank you sir!

picture courtesy of voteband, fahizal iskandar, nelissa aziera, ilmi rohaizad, ckyn alias, aina mardia, jan shamsani dan juga mohamad zizo

full score. sila click image untuk tumbesaran dugro dgn DHA.

chows! see ya in MWBC pulak =)